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Tạp chí quốc tế


1. Regulartity of solutions for a class of quasilinear elliptic equations related to the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality; Le Cong Nhan*, Ky Ho, Le Xuan Truong; Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 505, Issue 1, 1 January 2022, 125474, ISSN 0022-247X,  Available online 8 July 2022.


2. Rare-earth activated SnO2 photoluminescent thin films on flexible glass: Synthesis, deposition and characterization; Thi Ngoc Lam Tran, Anna Szczurek, Stefano Varas, Cristina Armellini, Francesco Scotognella, Alessandro Chiasera, Maurizio Ferrari , Giancarlo C. Righini, Anna Lukowiak; Optical Materials, Volume 124, February 2022, ISSN 0925-3467.


3. A review on rare-earth activated SnO2-based photonic structures: Synthesis, fabrication and photoluminescence properties; Tran Thi Ngoc Lam, Anna Szczurek, Anna Lukowiak, Alessandro Chiasera; Optical Materials: X, Volume 13, January 2022, 100140, ISSN 2590-1478.


4. Eu3+ as a powerful structural and spectroscopic tool for glass photonics; Thi Ngoc Lam Tran, Alessandro Chiasera, Anna Lukowiak, Maurizio Ferrari; Materials-MPDI, Volume 15, Issue 5 (March-1 2022), ISSN 1996-1944.


5. High pressure enhanced magnetic ordering and magnetostructural coupling in the geometrically frustrated spinel Mn3O4; D. P. Kozlenko, N. T. Dang, S. E. Kichanov, L. T. P. Thao, A. V. Rutkaukas, E. V. Lukin, B. N. Savenko, N. Tran, D. T. Khan, L. V. Truong-Son, L. H. Khiem, B. W. Lee, T. L. Phan, N. L. Phan, N. Truong-Tho, N. N. Hieu, T. A. Tran, and M. H. Phan; Physical Review B ,Volume 105, Issue 9, Mar 2022, ISSN 2469-9969 (online), 2469-9950 (print).


6. On the hit problem for the Steenrod algebra in the generic degree and its applications; Nguyen Khac Tin; Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, Vol. 116, No. 2, Article number: 81., ISSN 1578-7303 (print)- ISSN 1579-1505 (electronic), 3/2022.


7. Push Recovery Based on Fly-Wheel Dynamics Control Applied to Stable Biped Robot Walking; Tran Thien Huan, Cao Van Kien, Nguyen Tien Dat, and Ho Pham Huy Anh; Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, LNME,  Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Automation, and Sustainable Development 2021 (AMAS2021) pp 781–786, pp. 781–786, ISBN 978-3-030-99666-6, 4/2022.


8. Fabricating iron-tin-oxide nanocomposite electrodes for sodium-ion batteries; Quoc Hai Nguyen, Weldejewergis Gebrewahid Kidanu, Hai DangNgo, Tuan Loi Nguyen, Il Tae Kim; Ceramics International, Volume 48, Issue 13, 1 July 2022, Pages 19109-19115, ISSN 0272-8842.


9. Effect of sodium doping on characteristics of p-SnOx flms prepared by reactive direct current magnetron sputtering; Pham Hoai Phuong*, Hai Dang Ngo, Hieu Trung Bui, Nguyen Ngoc Phuong, An Hoang Thuy Nguyen, Thi Hai Yen Nguyen, Le Thi Tuoi, Quang Trung Tran*, Nguyen Manh Tuan*; Ceramics International, Volume 48, Issue 9, 1 May 2022, Pages 13047-13054, ISSN 0272-8842.


10. Fabricating nanostructured HoFeO3 perovskite for lithium-ion battery anodes via co-precipitation; Anh Tien Nguyen, Viet Duc Phung, Valentina Olegovna Mittova, Hai Dang Ngo, Thuan Ngoc Vo, My Linh Le Thi, Van Hoang Nguyen, Irina Yakovlevna Mittova, My Loan Phung Le, Yong Nam Ahn, Il Tae Kim*, Tuan Loi Nguyen*; Scripta Materialia, Volume 207, 15 January 2022, ISSN 1359-6462.


11. A note on the A-generators of the polynomial algebra of six variables and applications; Tin Nguyen Khac; Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 46: No.  No. SI-2, Article 20, pp 1911-1926, ISSN 1300-0098,  06/2022.


12. A second-order dynamical system for equilibrium problem; Le Van Vinh, Van Nam Tran*, Phan Tu Vuong; Numerical Algorithms (2022), 1, 1-25, ISSN 1572-9265, February 2022.


13. The explicit formula for Gauss-Jordan elimination applied to flexible system; Nam Van Tran, Julia Justino, Imme van den Berg; Special Matrices, Volume 10 Issue 1, pp 366–393, ISSN 2300-7451, 06/2022.


14. Convergence in Mean for Double Arrays of M-Pairwise Negatively Dependent Random Variables; Vo Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien, Nguyen Ngoc Tu*; Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, volume 45, issue 4, pages1507–1520 (2022), Electronic ISSN 2180-4206, Print ISSN 0126-6705, April 2022.


15. Existence and non-existence of global solutions of pseudo-parabolic equations involving p (x)-Laplacian and logarithmic nonlinearity; Q Van Chuong, LC Nhan, LX Truong*; Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations 8 (1), 483-512, 8, pp. 483–512, 2296-9039, June 2022.


16. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) fabricating potential of aqueous shoot extract of Aristolochia bracteolata and assessed their antioxidant efficiency; Nguyen Chi Thanh, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Arunachalam Chinnathambi, Sulaiman Ali Alharbi, Baskaran Subramani, Kathirvel Brindhadevi, Niwooti Whangchai, Surachai Pikulkaew; Environmental Research, Vol.208, pp.112683, ISSN 0013-9351, May 2022.


17. Antioxidant, anti‑infammatory and anti‑proliferative activities of green and yellow zucchini (Courgette); Nguyen Chi Thanh, Emad M. Eed, Ashraf Elfasakhany, Kathirvel Brindhadevi*; Applied Nanoscience, (2022), ISSN 2190-5509, February 2022.


18. Methanol assisted-massive production of surfactant-free ordered honeycomb polycaprolactone film; Vu Viet Linh Nguyen, To Uyen Sam, Dai Phu Huynh, Xuan Viet Cao & Van-Tien Bui; Journal of Polymer Research 29, issue 1, January 2022, Electronic ISSN 1572-8935, Print ISSN 1022-9760.


19. The electrosprayed insulin-loaded polycaprolactone microparticles as a drug carrier; Vu Viet Linh Nguyen, Dai Phu Huynh*; ASEAN Engineering Journal (AEJ), Vol. 12 No. 2: June 2022, e-ISSN 2586-9159.


20. Electrospun Polycaprolactone/Hydroxyapatite (PCL/HAp) microfibers as potential biomaterials for tissue engineering; Nguyen Vu Viet Linh, Ngo The Du, Nguyen Thi Ngoc My, Nguyen Ngoc Tuyen, Huynh Dai Phu, Nguyen Xuan Thanh Tram; Materials Today: Proceedings, Available online 11 July 2022, ISSN 2214-7853.


21. Time-Dependent Growth Rates of TGA-Capped ZnS Nanocrystals as a Synthetic Formula for Ligand-Capped Quantum Dots; Tan Phuc Bui,Thanh Phuong Nguyen; Crystal Research & Technology, earlyview, Online ISSN: 1521-4079, Online 07 July 2022.


22. An intelligent searching system for academic courses of programming based on Ontology Query-OntoAn intelligent searching system for academic courses of programming based on Ontology Query-Onto; Mien Pham, Kien Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen, Hien D. Nguyen; International Journal of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing, Regular Issues, Online first July 2022, ISSN online 2052-8485,


23. Optimization of normally-off β-Ga2O3 MOSFET with high Ion and BFOM: A TCAD study; Huy-Binh Do, Anh-Vu Phan-Gia,  Van Quy Nguyen, and  Maria Merlyne De Souza; AIP Advances, Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2022, Online: ISSN 2158-3226.


24. Photon management in SiO2-SnO2:Yb3+ hybrid 1D microcavity; Thi Ngoc Lam Tran, Anna Szczurek, Alice Carlotto, Alessandro Cian, Stefano Varas, Erica Iacob, Gloria Ischia, Osman Sayginer, Simone Berneschi, Gualtiero Nunzi Conti, Rolindes Balda, Joaquin Fernandez, Giancarlo C. Righini, Monica Bollani, Francesco Scotognella, Daniele Zonta, Oreste Bursi, Pawel Gluchowski, Anna Lukowiak, Maurizio Ferrari, Alessandro Chiasera; Proceedings of SPIE-Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications III (Vol. 12142, pp. 59-65). May 2022, ISBN: 9781510651616 (electronic).


25. "SiO2-TiO2 hybrid coatings applied on polymeric materials for flexible photonics applications"; Anna Szczurek, Lam Thi Ngoc Tran, Stefano Varas, Daniel Lewandowski, Anna Gąsiorek, Bartosz Babiarczuk, Alice Carlotto, Alessandro Chiasera, Maurizio Ferrari, Anna Łukowiak, Justyna Krzak; Proceedings of SPIE-Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications III (Vol. 12142, pp. 45-51). May 2022, ISBN: 9781510651616 (electronic).


26. RF-sputtering fabrication of flexible glass-based 1D photonic crystals; Alice Carlotto, Osman Sayginer, Hao Chen, Lam TN Tran, Rossana Dell’Anna, Anna Szczurek, Stefano Varas, Bartosz Babiarczuk, Justyna Krzak, Oreste S Bursi, Daniele Zonta, Anna Lukowiak, Giancarlo C Righini, Maurizio Ferrari, Silvia M Pietralunga, Alessandro Chiasera; Proceedings of SPIE-Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications III (Vol. 12142, pp. 29-39).May 2022, ISBN: 9781510651616 (electronic).


27. Tungsten oxide films for near-infrared photonics and sensing; Silvia Maria Pietralunga, Hao Chen, Alice Carlotto, Osman Sayginer, Lam TN Tran, Alessandro Chiasera; Proceedings of SPIE-Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics: Materials through Applications III (Vol. 12142, pp. 22-28). May 2022, ISBN: 9781510651616 (electronic).


28. Finite-time stability of fractional delay differential equations involving the generalized Caputo fractional derivative with non-instantaneous impulses; Truong Vinh An, Ho Vu, Ngo Van Hoa*; Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Volume45, Issue9, June 2022, Pages 4938-4955, Online ISSN:1099-1476.


29. Defect engineering of water-dispersible g-C3N4 photocatalysts by chemical oxidative etching of bulk g-C3N4 prepared in different calcination atmospheres; Thi Kim Anh Nguyen, Thanh-Truc Pham, Bolormaa Gendensuren, Eun-Suok Oh, Eun Woo Shin; Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Volume 103, 20 March 2022, Pages 232-243, ISSN 1005-0302.


30. Existence and nonexistence of global solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation with variable exponent sources; Quach V. Chuong, Le C. Nhan, Le X. Truong; Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2022, No. 46, pp. 1-22, ISSN 1072-6691, Published July 5, 2022.


31. Operadic structure on the Gerstenhaber–Schack complex for prestacks; Hoang Dinh Van, Lander Hermans & Wendy Lowen; Selecta Mathematica, Volume 28, issue 3, July 2022, Electronic ISSN 1420-9020, Print ISSN 1022-1824 (Published 28 February 2022).


32. Facile co-precipitated synthesis of NdFeO3 perovskite nanoparticles for lithium-ion battery anodes; Anh Tien Nguyen, Thuy-An Nguyen, Valentina Olegovna Mittova, Hai Dang Ngo, My Loan Phung Le, Dinh Quan Nguyen, Irina Yakovlevna Mittova, Van Hoang Nguyen, Sakai Hiroshi, Hieu Trung Bui* & Tuan Loi Nguyen*; Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Volume 33, issue 24, August 2022, pages19082–19091, Electronic ISSN 1573-482X, Print ISSN 0957-4522.


33. A survey on non-instantaneous impulsive fuzzy differential equations involving the generalized Caputo fractional derivative in the short memory case; Truong Vinh An, Nguyen Dinh Phu, Ngo Van Hoa*; Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 443, Part A, 30 August 2022, Pages 160-197, ISSN 0165-0114.


34. A note on the generators of the polynomial algebra of six variables and application; Nguyen Khac Tin; Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 39(2023), No.2, pp.529-539, online Dec-2022, Print Edition: ISSN 1584 - 2851; Online Edition: ISSN 1843 - 4401.


35. On a minimal set of generators for the algebra $H^*(BE_d; F_2)$ and its applications; Phan Phương Dung, Hoàng Nguyên Lý, Nguyễn Khắc Tín*; Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Volume 30 (2023), Issue 1, pp. 75-88, ISSN 2008-949X,  online December 01, 2022.


36. Finite convergence of extragradient-type methods for solving variational inequalities under weak sharp condition; Thanh Quoc Trinh, Le Van Vinh & Phan Tu Vuong; Computational and Applied Mathematics, 41 (8), pp 1-19, Electronic ISSN 1807-0302, Print ISSN 2238-3603, November 2022.


37. Sol-gel-derived transparent glass-ceramics for photonics; Thi Ngoc Lam Tran, Anna Szczurek, Alice Carlotto, Stefano Varas, Giancarlo C Righini, Maurizio Ferrari, Justyna Krzak, Anna Lukowiak, Alessandro Chiasera; Optical Materials, Volume 130, August 2022, 112577, ISSN 0925-3467.


38. Fabrication and Characterization of Alginate Hydrogels for Control Release System of Catechin-Derived Tea Leave Extract; Vu Viet Linh Nguyen, Gia Quynh Nhu Pham, Thi Hong Anh Nguyen and Van Cuong Nguyen*; Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 58, pp. 97-107, 2296-9837, August 2022.


39. On a viscoelastic heat equation with logarithmic nonlinearity; Nguyen Van Y, Le Cong Nhan* and Le Xuan Truong; Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations,  Vol. 55, pp 1-21, ISSN 1417-3875, Oct 2022.


40. On a thermo-viscoelastic system with variable exponent sources; Y. Nguyen Van, Le Cong Nhan*, Le XuanTruong; "Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Volume 71, June 2023, 103807, Available online 9 December 2022, Print ISSN: 1468-1218, Online ISSN: 1878-5719".


41. A-priori bound and Hölder continuity of solutions to degenerate elliptic equations with variable exponents; Ky Ho, Le Cong Nhan, Le Xuan Truong; Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, online first, 11689, ISSN 1230-3429, 2022-Dec-10.


42. Effect of the Optimal Annealing Time on Enhanced Magnetic Properties of Fe3O4 Films; Thi Kim Hang Pham, Vo Doan Thanh Truong, Van-Qui Le*; Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Volume 130 Issue 12 Pages 948-951, ISSN-L 1348-6535, Dec 2022.


43. Field-driven Modulation of Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in Nanoscale-layered Pt/IrMn3/NiFe Heterostructures; Nga T. Do , Thi Kim Hang Pham , Seung-young Park /Seung Young Park , Tae Hee Kim*; Journal of Magnetics, 2022, vol.27, no.4, pp. 335-340 (6 pages), ISSN (Online) 2233-6656, Dec 2022.


44. A Novel Hierarchical Heterostructure Derived from Alpha Iron Oxide Supported Carbon Nano-network for High-performance Supercapacitor Application; Hun Jeong, Dae Sun Cho, Chang Gi Hong, Chi Thanh Nguyen, Min Seok Moon, Van-Huong Tran, Lee Ku Kwac; "Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Volume 918, 1 August 2022, 116492, ISSN 1572-6657".


45. Comparison of Simarouba glauca seed shell carbons for enhanced direct red 12B dye adsorption: Adsorption isotherm and kinetic studies; Nguyen Chi Thanh, Sabarathinam Shanmugam, Sridharan Shanmugasundaram, Mohamad S AlSalhi, Sandhanasamy Devanesan, Rajasree Shanmuganathan, Nguyen Thuy Lan Chi; Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 168, October 2022, 113326, Print ISSN: 0278-6915, Online ISSN: 1873-6351.


46. An Assessment of Anticancer Activity (MCF-7) and Free Radicals Scavenging Potential of Ferula Asafoetida Synthesized AgNPs through In Vitro Analyses; Nguyen Chi Thanh, Arunachalam Chinnathambi, Tahani Awad Alahmadi, Deepika Joshi, GK Jhanani, Adisu Haile; "Journal of Nanomaterials, Vol.2022, 16874110, ISSN 1687-4129, Published 10 Oct 2022".


47. Plant resistance to disease: Using biochar to inhibit harmful microbes and absorb nutrients; Jinbo Hou, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Tran Nhat Phuong, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Kathirvel Brindhadevi, Gomathi Velu, Nguyen Thuy Lan Chi, Deyi Yuan; Environmental Research, Volume 214, Part 2, November 2022, 113883, Print ISSN: 0013-9351, Online ISSN: 1096-0953.


48. An assessment of biochar as a potential amendment to enhance plant nutrient uptake; Jinbo Hou, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi, Raveendran Sindhu, Vandana Vinayak, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Kathirvel Brindhadevi, Nguyen Thuy Lan Chi, Deyi Yuan; Environmental Research, Volume 214, Part 2, November 2022, 113909, Print ISSN: 0013-9351, Online ISSN: 1096-0953.


49. The stability of the controlled problem of fuzzy dynamic systems involving the random-order Caputo fractional derivative; Truong Vinh An, Ngo Van Hoa; "Information Sciences, Volume 612, October 2022, Pages 427-452,  Print ISSN: 0020-255, Online ISSN: 1872-6291".


50. Advanced Flywheel-based Balance for Biped Robot Stably Walking; Tran Thien Huan; Cao Van Kien, Nguyen Tien Dat, Ho Pham Huy Anh; Proceedings of 2022 6th International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD), pp. 335 - 340, Xplore ISBN 978-1-6654-6628-8, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 29 December 2022.


51. Solar Vapor Generation System Operating without Power Supply; Huy Binh Do, Hoang Trung Huynh, Thanh Ngan Dang, Ngoc Tam Dan Lam, Lam Nguyen Phan, Thanh Tan Vo; Proceedings of 2022 6th International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD), pp.700 - 703, Xplore ISBN 978-1-6654-6628-8, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 29 December 2022.


52. The controllable problem of vibrational mechanics; Le Thi Thanh; INNOVATIVE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH/ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ НАУЧНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ, №4-1(18) April 2022, trang 5-13, ISSN 2713-0010, 44716.


Tạp chí trong nước


53. Synthesis co (benzenesulfonamide serinol-lactide) for preparation of the ph-sensitive hydrogel; Vu Viet Linh Nguyen, Dai Phu Huynh*; Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology (VJST), Vol. 59 No. 6A (2021): ISME2021, published 2022-03-11, ISSN 2525-2581.


54. Adhesive strength of hexadecane on different iron compounds: an MD approach; Ta Dinh Hien; Tạp chí Khoa học Giáo dục Kỹ thuật, Số 68, trang 1-10, 2/2022, ISSN 2615-9740, số tiếng Anh.


55. Tổng hợp benzenesulfonamide serinol bằng phản ứng Hinsberg; Nguyễn Vũ Việt Linh*, Nguyễn Ngọc Tấn và Trần Thị Xuân Thảo, Huỳnh Đại Phú*; Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam, Bản B, 64(1), 1/2022, E-ISSN 1859-4794, P-ISSN 2615-9929.


56. Đánh giá tiềm năng về sự phát triển và khả năng ứng dụng sợi cellulose tự nhiên của Việt Nam theo hướng kinh tế tuần hoàn; Nguyễn Vũ Việt Linh, Đoàn Văn Huy, Đặng Trương Nhân, Trần Thanh Tâm; Tạp chí Khí tượng Thủy văn 2022, EME4, pp 333-340, đăng ngày 25/4/2022, ISSN Print: 2525 - 2208.


57. Đánh giá đặc tính sợi xơ dừa qua quá trình xử lý với các dung môi và nhiệt độ khác nhau; Đặng Trương Nhân, Nguyễn Vũ Việt Linh, Trần Thanh Tâm; Tạp chí Khí tượng Thủy văn 2022, EME4, pp 297-306, Ngày xuất bản: 05/04/2022,  ISSN Print: 2525 - 2208.


58. Using the magnetotelluric method to study the deep structure of the Sai Gon river fault in the vicinity of Ho Chi Minh City; Lưu Việt Hùng,*, Nguyễn Thành Vấn, Vũ Trọng Tấn, Seong Kon Lee, Ngô Sỹ Mạnh, Trần Thái Dương, Đinh Quốc Tuấn, Trần Hải Nam, Nguyễn Quang Dũng, Lê Ngọc Thanh; Tạp chí Phát triển khoa học và Công nghệ, Vol 6 No 2 (2022), pp 2103-2115, 30/6/2022, ISSN.


59. Chế tạo màng composite từ dung dịch chiết suất cây nha đam và polyvinyl alcohol bằng phương pháp đông lạnh - rã đông; Nguyễn Vũ Việt Linh, Nguyễn Nguyễn Thái Sinh, Trần Thanh Tâm; Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ– Khoa học Tự nhiên 2022, Vol 6(2): pp 2034-2040,  6/2022, ISSN 2588-106X.


60. Complete Convergence for M-Pairwise Negatively Dependent Random Variables; Vo Thi Van Anh; Tạp chí Khoa học Giáo dục Kỹ thuật số 72A (số tiếng Anh), trang 28-33, 10/2022, ISSN 2615-9740.


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